Friday, October 28, 2011

Well.....hello Blog!

Things have been crazy with my moving and job changes and figuring out what in the world I am doing with my life. However, I think things have begun to settle down (though I am still job searching and have only vague ideas about my future life). I think its time though to get back into the world of blogging....especially about beer.

On a sad note, I have lost my written beer blog. It contained probably 50 - 60 reviews that I had not written yet, including my trips to several Michigan breweries and my trip through Indiana to Louisville. It was lost somewhere in the move, so it might pop up again, but it might not. Lesson here is that I need to type my reviews sooner and not leave them only on paper.

I will be starting reviews again soon as I work my way through The Schmaltz Brewing's anniversary box that I bought at the Heorot. Each beer commemorates one more year of He'Brew brewing. The number of different malts, different hops, and alcohol content correspond to the anniversary (for example, the 8th anniversary has 8 different malts, 8 different hops, and is 8% alcohol). After I get through those beers, there's no telling what will be next, but I may just have to revisit Michigan.

In other good news, I will soon be brewing my own beer from the comforts of my new Indianapolis home! I bought my 30 quart stock pot and have a brewing class on November 15th at Great Fermentations. I have already named by fictional brewery and designed my first logo and other nerdy things that aren't entirely necessarily.

Also, I am super excited about this new brewery that is opening up in walking distance to my house! You can check out their website here: I've been able to slowly watch construction get done on the outside, can't wait for it to open so I can spend way too much of my money to support a local brewery. And of course, reviews will follow.

Anyhow, here's to trying to get back on the blogging bandwagon (for the followers that I have)

Happy Drinking!

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