Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Monumental Jewbelation

Brewed By: Shmaltz Brewing Company (He’Brew)

Style: American Brown Ale

ABV: 10%

Continuing the journey of the He’Brew Anniversary Box!

So for the 10th Anniversary, we have this Brown Ale which has 10 different malts, 10 different hops, and is sitting at a hefty 10% alcohol.

Look – Poured a very dark brown with a medium khaki head that was gone fairly quickly.

Smell – Overwhelming malt notes; a cacophony of malts, if you will. And if you won’t, then too bad. Hard to identify any specifics, but I am getting a decent amount of chocolate aroma and a slightly bready aroma.

Taste – Light to medium toasted malts come through, a decent amount of semi-sweet chocolate. A lot of alcohol. It has an odd sweetness to it that I wasn’t expecting, not really my thing. For having so many malts and hops, it is not very interesting, very limited personality.

Conclusion – It is a decently made beer, research seems to point out that they just added rye malt and Simcoe hops to the 9th Anniversary ale. I don’t know that it was too much different than the previous. I feel like it lost a little bit of character. Hopefully the 11th Anniversary ale improves a little bit.

I give this beer a B –

Happy Drinking!

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